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Shared Values: Designed for success with Masonite

When you think of design inspiration, your window and door provider may not be the first resource that comes to mind. But thanks to collaboration and a strong working relationship between All Weather Windows and Masonite, they could be the design gurus for your next home renovation project.

These two companies have come together to offer their customers a fresh new perspective on what may be overlooked when considering home design: beautiful interior and exterior doors and windows. “Masonite has been working to position the door as a centrepiece of designing the home,” says Frank D’Amours, Senior Manager of Residential Channel Marketing, North America at Masonite. “We conduct a lot of research and collaborate with key designers to be ahead of the trends and to really understand how the door plays a role in enhancing the curb appeal of houses — both interior and exterior.”

Design by committee

Masonite reaches out to key designers and partners in what they call the “trend counsel”. This collective group will help design and build the Design Guides that help give their partners and customers the most innovative and informed perspective on what is happening — or coming up on the horizon — of design.

All Weather Windows saw this as a great opportunity to help make a high-quality product even stronger. “Masonite initially published this design guide as just doors,” explains Tracy Nadiger, Director of Marketing and Customer Experience at All Weather Windows. “We saw it and said, ‘We really like what you’ve done, but on every page where you show doors, you’re also showing windows, and they’re complementing the design of the home the same way the doors are. Can we do a Masonite and All Weather Windows version of this where we talk about doors and also talk about windows?’”

This resonated with both companies, and the two worked together to create a beautiful Design Guide for customers that will help them to make stylistic choices in their next home project.

“We need to partner up with people who share the same vision as we do — people who can actually relate to what we’re creating, where doors are considered an important aspect of design,” says Frank. “All Weather Windows is the perfect example of how we can partner with someone who shares that same vision and who has the ability to help us spur that message forward.”

Taking it to the limit together

What once began as a catalogue of doors has evolved into a beautiful and intricate design book that walks a customer through six different aesthetic collections, marrying innovative products with cutting edge trends and designs. Taking a product and elevating it to the next level is something that comes naturally to both companies, and one of the key reasons that they work so well together.

All Weather Windows and Masonite are both strongly committed to ensuring that doors and windows are an entryway into innovative home design. A commitment to providing a product that is both beautiful and functional comes naturally to both and working together to expand customers’ visions of what their doors and windows could be was only natural.

“Both companies are really trying to look at their product portfolio in terms of being on the leading edge of design trends and what’s current and relevant,” Tracy agrees. “I think we’re also really similar in that we want to take fairly large product portfolios and present it to the customer in a way that’s easy to understand and is relevant. How we’ve broken down their product offering into design themes — like the Modern Farmhouse and the Mediterranean — helps show how they can be used in a home design to achieve a certain look. We’re both similar in that regard, as we want our customers to be able to see our products as contributing to the design of the home and its curb appeal and value.”

With a powerful tool like this Design Trend book, sales teams have all the information they need to recommend a style and type of product to customers that best fits what they’re hoping to achieve in the overall design of their home.

“It’s a good example of the type of literature we should be putting out in the future. It will continue to help homeowners see their windows and doors as components of design instead of strictly functional features in a home; changing these elements changes the entire look of a home! We always need to focus on benefits to the customer,” says Tracy.

“Having a partner like All Weather Windows makes everything easier in terms bringing the right message to the marketplace and making the right match for customers,” Frank concurs.

If you need some inspiration for your next renovation, consider starting with your doors and windows! Check out the All Weather Windows and Masonite Design Guide here, or contact the All Weather Windows team to see how to start making your renovation dream come true.