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Our 40th Anniversary Gift to our Communities!

In honour of our 40th anniversary this year, All Weather Windows wanted to give back to the causes that meant the most to our employees. Each month, for the past 4 months, employees from across Canada submitted entries explaining why their selected charity should receive $1000. Entries were judged based not only on creativity but also a compelling story as to why the organization’s work was so important in their life.

We are pleased to say, that at the conclusion of this initiative, we have donated $24,000 to charities around the world on behalf of our employees.

Here is the full list of organizations that received $1000 each:

Charity Submitted by
Habitat for Humanity – Winnipeg, Ride around the Lake, Team Qualico Sean Phillips, Winnipeg
United WayLiteracy Campaign Shane Trombley, Regina
Balgonie Elks #572 – K-12 Literacy Program Darren Kiel, Regina
Little Warriors – Child Sexual Abuse Monique Rivard, Commercial
Queen of Martyrs Vietnamese Parish Ann Nguyen, Corporate Services
Participation House Julie Johnson, Corporate Services
Habitat for Humanity disaster response

Kerala Flood Victims

Shibu Antony, Plant 1
Inner City Youth Alive  (see link for submission) Clarence Wagner, Winnipeg
Empties to WINN – Winnifred Stewart Association Rebekah Figueroa, Commercial
Edmonton Community Chaplain Association Cyril Gowler, Corporate Services
Parkinson Association of Alberta Gary Holden, Edmonton Sales
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Rob Elmslie, Calgary CSC
Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Edmonton Adiabun Abrha, Edmonton Manufacturing
Batten Disease Support and Research Association in support of Mackenzie Gair Robert and Hailey Foster, Winnipeg
Operation Friendship Seniors Society Estelle Carson, Corporate Services
Mustard Seed Lizzie de Haan, Red Deer
Shelter Canada Marina Cunningham, Lethbridge
Prairie Shores Camp Pam Johnson, Saskatoon
Millbourne Community Life Centre Natalie Chan, Edmonton Direct to Consumer
Adam’s Army Lynn Pommier, Lethbridge
International Justice Mission Mike Lieske, Edmonton Direct to Consumer
Edmonton Down Syndrome Society Ted Smolik, Corporate Services
Edmonton Humane Society Angie Ismond, Commercial
Darci Instance Foundation Brenda Barber, Winnipeg