Grants & Rebates
Efficient windows and doors can help to cut down the energy consumption of homes while keeping comfort levels the same or even improving them. Rebates, grants and tax credits exist to help offset the costs of some of these products.
With grants and rebates, Canadians can pay a much lower amount to improve the quality of their homes. Upgrading to energy-efficient, well manufactured and correctly installed windows and doors also means that homeowners will experience lower energy bills and increased savings overall.
All Weather at Home is proud to offer a number of ENERGY STAR® window and door products to consumers. If you want to learn more about how All Weather Windows is committed to green living, visit our Energy Efficiency page.
Given the recent launch of the Climate Leadership Plan, more grants and rebates are available to Canadians that can be applied to the purchase of energy efficient products like select ENERGY STAR windows and doors.
Energy Rebate Programs Across Canada
For a list of current rebates and incentives for selected products in your province, visit the Grants and Financial Incentives page on the Natural Resources Canada website.