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Welcoming a new perspective: Masonite’s mission to redefine the door

You have a home decor secret weapon at your disposal. It can leave dazzling first impressions while inspiring unforgettable goodbyes. It possesses the finesse to complement any aesthetic and the power to completely transform a space. And it does all this while helping your home to be more comfortable, secure and efficient. If you haven’t pieced it together, this unsung hero of form and function is none other than the exterior door. It’s an often overlooked element of...

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Safety is everyone’s top priority

Companies’ values can vary widely. However, they all can agree on one thing: the health and safety of their employees is of the utmost importance. Several talk the talk. All Weather Windows is committed to walking the walk. After recognizing that the traditional approach to health and safety wasn’t delivering the results they were hoping for, All Weather Windows’ National Occupational Health and Safety Manager Estelle Carson decided to shake things up. “I wanted to change...

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Powerhouse: An All Weather Windows engineer’s mission to build a net zero energy home

To walk through the Edmonton community of North Glenora, a product of the city’s 1950s post-war growth spurt, is to see the city at its most traditional, at least in an architectural sense. One of the city’s first planned neighbourhoods, its neat rows of squat bungalows bask in the shade of treed boulevards, comfortably arranged around a central park and school. Now one of Edmonton’s coveted mature communities, this northwesterly section of the city seems primed for a touch...

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